
About Us
USMOT is a group of technicians that meet on a nearly weekly basis just to talk. We discuss technical issues, political issues, training, politics in the workplace, support methods, end user issues, methods to handle any or all of the above, the cars we like, the motorcycles we like, rides, food, drink, vacation times, etc, etc, you get the idea. Just about anything is up for discussion. What we are not is a bitch session. We attempt to solve problems. Not create them. Our meetings are a time of release. A time of relaxation. A time of bonding and communication. For many of us, it is a time we can spend with other technicians and just talk "our" talk. Talk we can not extend to others that don't understand. It is an outlet for some. It is a learning experience for others. Generaly, it is both for anyone that attends at one time or another. I've shared and I've learned. I think most of us feel that way.

If your intent is to just come and complain then please stay away. We don't really want that. If there is a valid complaint, we are open to hearing it. The thing is... if it is not valid, be prepared to hear it from us. Games are played that is true, but a lot of honest opinions come out of our group. If you dish something out, be willing to take it too. There is a lot of that going on. All in fun and trying to help. That is all.

I've had a number of technicians tell me how benificial USMOT has been to them. Some even financially. We have a great group. We hope you will find it so as well.